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About Me & QHHT

My name is Christie Sharp and I’m a Certified Level 2 QHHT® practitioner based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, trained by Dolores and Julia Cannon. I have completed the requirements to take the Level 3 class, and I plan to enroll as soon as the next class is offered.  I am honored to be a conduit for spiritual growth and enlightenment through QHHT®. I help people achieve and understand their life’s purpose, and help them to reunite with the bigger part of themselves.

I am passionate about helping people heal and connect with their spiritual selves. There is no greater reward for me than seeing the light come on in one’s eyes when they discover something they had given up on. It’s easy to feel hopeless, lost, depressed, traumatized, stuck, and alone in this life. I love talking with people and getting to know who they are as a person by being non-judgmental. I identify with some aspect of every single client because I’ve had my share of trauma, depression, and illness myself. 

I was “gifted” two traumatic brain injuries because of domestic abuse several years ago. I’ve dealt with major treatment resistant depression for most of my life. I “created” Fibromyalgia for myself because I was not heeding my body’s warnings about stress. On the bright side (yes there is always one!), these have allowed me to shift my focus from my 20-year accounting career/left-brained/logical side to my creative, right-brained, spiritual side. 

I will always stand up for what is true and right, and I believe highly in service to others, no matter the consequences. I believe in personal freedom of choice and not trying to convert or persuade anyone of something they aren’t open to. I think making the right decision is always the best decision based on my morals and values. I do not believe in being bought.

Like-minded people always find each other, so your being here is no accident! If I resonate with you, I hope you will give me the opportunity to help you discover what your true purpose is in this life. 

I've been worried all my life about being hypnotized! I was sure I would have suggestions implanted in me that I wouldn't want (I MAY have trust issues )! And while I still have this reservation with regular hypnosis, I know QHHT® is entirely DIFFERENT!

This is because no suggestions are given with QHHT®. I only ask the questions and healing requests that YOU desire. If you don't want information about something, I won't ask the question. During the interview stage at the beginning of your session, I speak with you for a couple of hours to make sure I know you well enough to ask good questions, and this also allows your higher self to trust me with the answers.

For further comfort, I record the hypnosis part and send that to you so you can listen to the recording and put any instructions into place that your higher self has given you.

There is nothing to worry about with QHHT. All advice and guidance comes from your own mouth! It's truly amazing!

Please follow my Facebook page "Christie Sharp Quantum Healing," and read the reviews my clients have left me.

If you can't afford to pay full price for a session, let me know what you can pay and I will try to work with you. I also barter for goods and services. Let me know what you have to trade!

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