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QHHT® New Client $350

Approximately 4-6 hours

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique - Christie will spend a couple of hours talking so she can get to know you and what you'd like to address in the session, including any issues you'd like to heal or any advice/direction you may need. This will enable your higher self to trust her so it will answer the questions she asks for you while you're hypnotized.  

Next, you'll spend up to 2 hours in somnambulistic trance, which is similar to a sleep-walking state. You'll be aware the whole time and able to respond to Christie when she asks questions. You'll be in the theta state, which is very easy to get to as we do it naturally at least twice a day (when we're falling asleep and waking up). This is the state you're in during meditation, and it's the time that your higher self can bring healing easier because the conscious mind is not interfering.

Christie will take you to one or more pasts lives, which will provide clarification as to why you are experiencing the issues in this life. Then she will talk to your higher self, the part that comes from God, and it is able to bring healing, advice, and clarity to you. Please note: the higher self will show you what is appropriate for you. If you haven't had any/many human lives, you may get shown a life as a light being, spirit guide, ET, etc.  

Christie records the session and you should listen to it for a few days afterwards because it keeps healing you the more you listen to it. Christie doesn't offer any suggestions under hypnosis. Her role is only to ask questions to get your answers. Some people are able to recall the entire session while under hypnosis. Some people don't remember any of it. It depends on the person and the higher self. 

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